
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

BCPL Activists Visit Congressman Deluzio's Office Demanding Gaza Ceasefire


From left to right: Carl Davidson, Peter Deutsch, Jerry DeSena, Marcia Lehmann, Linda Stanley, Randy Shannon. Seated: Tina Shannon.

Beaver County Peace Links visited the local office of our Congressman March 5 to deliver a letter expressing our views of a immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and self-determination for Palestine, among other points. See the full text below. We also vigiled for a while along the highway outside the Center township shopping center where it is located. We plan regular vigils in the months to come outside the Courthouse in Beaver, PA.

Here's text text of our letter:

Dear Rep. Deluzio:

We are Beaver County Peace Links, a local peace/anti-war citizens group that formed in 1972. As your constituents, we write this letter with heavy hearts, knowing that our US taxpayer dollars are going to support Israel in its war of revenge that has broadened to genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. 

We must also speak out and oppose Israeli policies of 75 years of land-grabs, destruction of homes, unjust incarceration and killings of innocents by Jewish settlers and the IDF in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

We acknowledge the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas on October 7th and the suffering of the Israeli people. We support all the inhabitants, Israeli and Palestinian, to live in peace with a just outcome. However, this vicious cycle of 75 years of cruel dispossession and fierce oppression against the Palestinians must cease! Americans are now awake to these atrocities.

We ask you to speak out and call on the Biden Administration to IMMEDIATELY enact the following:

1. A permanent CEASEFIRE NOW!
2. Stop US weapons to Israel - follow US arms-transfer laws, treaties & policies
3. Immediately restore UNRWA humanitarian aide to all Palestinians at prewar quantities
4. Self-Determination for Palestinian governance

Also, it is preposterous and contradictory that on one hand the US weapons reap horrific death, maiming and destruction upon the Palestinians, but with the other hand the US air
drops inadequate MRE’s to those same starving people. It will be even more difficult for the US to continue the rhetoric of establishing itself as a beacon of democracy in the world after these hypocritical acts of defying our own arms-transfer laws and policies, while being party to this level of intentionally-inflicted suffering of civilians.

We call on you to provide leadership in the Congressional Progressive Caucus, use the UN Resolutions on the conflict as a guide, and take a stand with the four points above, as other progressive House Members have done.

Sincerely for real peace,
Beaver County Peace Links Steering Committee

Carl Davidson, acting President
Linda Stanley, Vice President
Peter Deutsch, Secretary
Marcia Lehman, Treasurer
Jerry DeSena
Sr. Kari Pohl
Nancy O’Leary
Rev. Todd Davis (Ret.)


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